The SYSTEC-LSCOE aims at creating a fertile ground for discussion of research ideas, broaching challenging problems for engineers and mathematicians, and providing scientists with advanced methods and new tools for their research activity. Its main lines of activity are research and training, mostly carried out within the context of SYSTEC-CONTROL thematic line, and involve: The development of dedicated stand-alone estimation, optimization and control algorithms and prototypes for a wide range of applications, and environments such as health care, agriculture, and power systems.
- The access to advanced software libraries and grid computing infra-structures.
- Data acquisition and ground truth construction to validate the developed products.
- Interaction with external specialists and field testing of algorithms and computational packages.
These activities result from the merging of the CEO (Control Estimation and Optimization) group of ISR Porto with new members from a research center at the University of Aveiro, and are supported by external cooperation and networking with highly reputed researchers at national and international level.
The lab facilities include computer equipped workplaces and a server with some of the latest control and optimization software packages.
SYSTEC- LSCOE is located in the Electrical and Computer Engineering Department at FEUP, in room i202.