EITM Doctoral School: Info day for PhD Supervisors

Next Friday (November 11 at 2:00 pm in room I025) there will be a debriefing session on the EIT Manufacturing Doctoral School that may be of interest to the doctoral programs for which they are responsible and which I would like to thank your colleagues for sharing. involved as mentors.

FEUP has been involved since its inception in the ETI Manufacturing initiative, an interdisciplinary innovation community associated with the European Institute of Innovation and Technology (EIT), which brings together more than 75 leading European partners in the sectors of industry, education and research.

This innovation community develops activities in the Knowledge Triangle (according to the Education, Innovation and Market pillars) and has recently launched the first education programs.

The University of Porto (through FEUP) in partnership with Arts et Métiers Institute of Technology (FR), Grenoble Institute of Technology and Management (FR), Czech technical University of Prague (CZ), Slovak University of Technology in Bratislava (SL) and University of Tartu (EE), and with EIT Manufacturing, promoted the creation of the EIT Manufacturing Doctoral School, and the agreement for the creation of the school was signed by the 6 schools and by EIT Manufacturing at the end of 2020. The doctoral school was also recognized by the EIT through the EIT Label attribution.

The EITM Doctoral School does not intend to develop new doctoral programs, but rather to develop complementary programs to the doctoral programs offered by partner universities focused on innovation and entrepreneurship components.

This information session has the (remote) participation of Lucia Raimundo (responsible for the doctoral school at EIT Manufacturing) and two FEUP students who participate in the program, and aims to clarify fellow advisors about the objectives and advantages of motivating their students to participate in.

An online session is also planned for the 24th of November, for which you can register via the link.

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