EIT Manufacturing Winter School 2021

Online activities 15th-18th November 2021
Porto, 22nd-26th November 2021

Inspired in the new European Bauhaus initiative, the EITM 2021 Winter School will bring down walls between science and technology, art, culture and social inclusion. If you are a PhD student and you want to boost skills and competencies that are needed to find solutions for complex everyday problems, you should participate to the 2021 Winter School of the EIT Manufacturing (EITM) Doctoral School which is focused on how industry can benefit from the acceleration of the twin green and digital transitions to build a more sustainable and resilient society and economy.

This is an exceptional opportunity for intercultural, cross-organizational mobility and interdisciplinary views, embedded in a unique, trans-sectoral pan-European network. The proposed programme consists of an integrated innovative “learning-by-doing” curricula on the crossroads of several disciplines, covering Science, Technology and Arts. Students will be faced with a big-challenge to be tackled by medium size multidisciplinary teams (7-8 members).

The winter school schedule includes company visits and networking events with start-ups/entrepreneurs and a session held in collaboration with the actors from the local innovation and entrepreneurship ecosystem, but also traditional Porto culture and gastronomy.

The EITM Winter School will

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